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MUZ SOCIAL SPRINT – Don’t ignore the social side!

Everyone knows it, but a reminder is never a bad thing: social networks are no longer a bonus – they’re a real must-have. On average, users open the Instagram app 10 times a day and the first reflex for 83% of them is to check out the account of a brand on this platform before even going to look for it on Google. Tackling the social side has to be done using a strong, differentiating strategy and all the entities concerned by the subject must be included. This was the starting point for the MUZ SOCIAL SPRINT.

In short, it is the joint reflection by experts concerned by the launch of a brand or the implementation of a specific campaign who, together, are going to bring it to life on the social networks. The objective is to use each of the brains present to find the info, arguments and product/brand specificities in order to be able to come out of the meeting saying “We just have to ..!” The operational teams will therefore have all the keys in hand to put this reflection into practice.

What happens during a social sprint?
As each case is unique, the workshop programme is never the same from one social print to another, but overall, you’ll see monitoring, discussions, brainstorming, storytelling, individual or collective reflection – in short, lots of things!
And, most of all, what are the results?
At the end, the operational master team goes off with all the keys in hand for the successful application of the reflection brilliantly thought through by all the brains gathered together. Then they just have to…




Workshop leading
Alison PETIT
Community & Influence Manager | GROUPE SEB

Quels étaient les enjeux de l'organisation de ce workshop ?


Comment s'est passé le workshop ?


Et maintenant, quels sont les next steps?
